Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Ash Juniper

(bird Photo)


Ash Juniper (juniperus ashei) is a small tree which grows in the limbstone hills of the Edward’s Plateau of central Texas. Golden-cheeked Warblers are habitat specialists. They breed only in mature ash juniper woodlands. Shreded juniper bark makes up the major component of their nests.

(Photo of mature ash Juniper Bark)

Only mature Ashe juniper trees shred their bark which limits the golden-cheeked warblers range to mature Ash juniper forests. Ash juniper matures when it’s 40 to 50 years old. Between the 50’s and 70’s 50 percent of the juniper woodland was cleared for pasture. Golden-cheeked Warbers nest in stands of juniper and hardwood because they eat insects, and they need hardwood for foraging subrate during the first part of the breeding season.
(bird Photo)

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